2019 Summer Bass Study Camp Recap
This last week I wrapped up the second annual Summer Study Bass Camp. The camp was created last summer to reach young bassists in my community who are interested in learning more about playing the bass, connecting with other young…
Tips For Creating Clear Performance Assessment Rubrics
Musicians are masters at assessment. We assess our personal music making and those of our students constantly and make real time adjustments and observations. Live performance is an “in the moment” creation. During a performance, musicians are called to listen,…
The Benefits of a Student Led Chamber Ensemble Experience
Each year in our district we are fortunate to host an annual solo and ensemble festival sponsored by the American String Teachers Association (A.S.T.A). Grades six through twelve participate in the festival on two separate days. One for students in…
Fundamentals of Tone Production
When we hear a particular musician play and are immediately drawn into the music we may be attracted to their note choices, their feel, the way they may blend with the other musicians, and their individual and unique tone. I…
After a Performance: Celebrate Student Success and Reflect
After a performance students are excited and inspired. It is a great time to celebrate their successes as well as reflect upon their hard work, dedication, growth, and progress/ Often, I’ve found it very helpful to assign students some questions…
Practice Routine Break Down and Feedback
In my last post I wrote about the practice habits I am trying to develop with my students. The idea is that each week my students are going to plan a practice routine that consists of four areas of their…
Developing A Student Practice Routine
Recently I have been thinking a lot about practicing. These thoughts jump between analyzing my own personal practice habits and the practice habits of my students. I have been thinking about what it means to practice effectively, to make tangible…