Music Ice-Breakers for the Beginning of the School Year

Music Ice-Breakers for the Beginning of the School Year

It is mid-August right now and the beginning of the school year is quickly approaching. 

We as music educators know how important it is to cultivate a positive community at the start of the year. This includes setting a positive and encouraging classroom culture as well as beginning to get to know our students and helping them get to know one another! 

So, here are a few back-to-school music ice breaker ideas to help build community and get to know your students a little bit better. 

All About Me

First, have your students create and share an All About Me writing or short presentation. I have done this activity in my middle school level orchestra as well as in a general music class with prompts that were geared toward students musical interests. Consider having students share topics like:

  • Favorite instrument
  • Favorite style of music
  • Favorite band or artist
  • Last song I listened to
  • Instrument I play
  • What I find most interesting about music

Musician Interview

For this next activity, consider setting up a musician interview where students would ask one another questions and then share their interviewee’s answers with the class. Beyond student names and ages - consider interview questions like:

  • When did you start playing music?
  • What is your favorite song to perform?
  • What is your favorite band or artist?
  • What is one music goal for this year?
  • What do you like about playing an instrument?

Rhythm Challenge

The next activity is great for getting students into small groups and interacting together as well as demonstrating their rhythmic knowledge. 

Here is how it works. 

First, students will create a one or two measure rhythm together as a group. In the past I have set parameters around what types of rhythmic values (only quarter notes, quarter rests, and so on) students can use and the meter they should compose in. This helps the students have some guidelines to the activity. 

Second, the students can only use those rhythmic values, but they can come up with any combination of rhythms using those note values. Give students time to create their own rhythm and have them work together to perform it. 

Finally, have each group share their rhythmic creations with the class.

A great way for kids to work together, be creative, and demonstrate their musical knowledge!

Pass The Cup

The last activity is for orchestra and will have your students laughing as well as working together. 

For this activity, your students will need their bows and you will need at least one plastic cup - multiple cups makes the game even more interesting. 

Have your students create a circle. Students should hold their bows with the tip of the bow facing up and an amazing bow hold. To begin, one student places the cup on the tip of their bow and passes the cup to the person next to them. The student then passes the cup from the tip of their bow to the person next to them. The goal is to get the cup around the circle without dropping it while keeping an amazing bow hold!


I hope you and your students have fun with these music themed ice-breakers.

If you’d like an already prepared resource to facilitate these ice-breakers in your class - I’ve got you covered! 

Check out Back-To-School Music Ice Breakers on my Teachers Pay Teachers store! Just click on the image below.

The Back To School: Music Ice Breakers is a collection of activities to help you cultivate community in your classroom and learn more about your students and their musical interests and knowledge.

This resource includes 5 different activities that you can use during the first few days or weeks of the year. 

This resource includes:

  • All About Me: Music Edition 
  • Musician Interview
  • My Favorite Song
  • Find A Musician Who Can . . . .
  • Rhythm Challenge

The Back To School: Music Ice Breakers is a helpful resource for cultivating a positive community for any music ensemble or general music classroom.

Have an excellent start to your school year!