3 Common Challenges In Learning A String Instrument (and How To Help Your Child Solve Them)
Each instrument possesses specific nuances for how it is performed. There are certain challenges that will likely come up when learning the violin or double bass that are unique to string playing. In this blog post, I will highlight some of the…

Double Bass 101: 2 Strategies for Solving Intonation Issues
I was recently working in a sectional with a small group of middle school bass players at an honors ensemble rehearsal in my region. These students had a few years of experience, but were still at the beginning stages of…

Double Bass 101: 4 Strategies for Building Strong Time
Building a strong time feel is essential for a bass player. We are, after all, the foundation of the music. The role of the bass is one that provides the glue between the rhythm and harmony of the music. Our…

Double Bass 101: Left Hand Technique Fundamentals
Learning the double bass is a challenging pursuit. Building the endurance, muscles, and dexterity to get around the bass takes time and diligence. Young musicians looking to learn the bass will have to work at developing both solid left hand…

Practice Routine Break Down and Feedback
In my last post I wrote about the practice habits I am trying to develop with my students. The idea is that each week my students are going to plan a practice routine that consists of four areas of their…

Developing A Student Practice Routine
Recently I have been thinking a lot about practicing. These thoughts jump between analyzing my own personal practice habits and the practice habits of my students. I have been thinking about what it means to practice effectively, to make tangible…