Understanding the Basics of the String Family
Perhaps your child has started showing an interest in playing a string instrument. Maybe their school has sent home information highlighting the different string instruments they can study, but you’re not sure what each instrument is about or which one might…

7 Pieces Students Love for Intermediate – Middle School Orchestra
It can be challenging choosing the right music for an ensemble. It’s a balancing act finding music that will suit a developing orchestra – music that will both develop their technique and musicianship as well as capture their interest and…

Double Bass 101: 2 Strategies for Solving Intonation Issues
I was recently working in a sectional with a small group of middle school bass players at an honors ensemble rehearsal in my region. These students had a few years of experience, but were still at the beginning stages of…

Double Bass 101: 4 Strategies for Building Strong Time
Building a strong time feel is essential for a bass player. We are, after all, the foundation of the music. The role of the bass is one that provides the glue between the rhythm and harmony of the music. Our…

Double Bass 101: Developing a Comfortable Bow Hold
Developing a comfortable bow hold is challenging for young string players first starting out. Rather, maintaining a comfortable, relaxed, and flexible bow is a process that continues even today for me as I develop and grow as a musician. Over…

3 Considerations When Recommending Double Bass Repertoire to Young Bassists
As educators, we know our students best. We know their strengths and weaknesses and we care about their personal and musical growth. Music learning is different for every student and requires us to be tuned into their needs. There have…

2019 Summer Bass Study Camp Recap
This last week I wrapped up the second annual Summer Study Bass Camp. The camp was created last summer to reach young bassists in my community who are interested in learning more about playing the bass, connecting with other young…

The Benefits of a Student Led Chamber Ensemble Experience
Each year in our district we are fortunate to host an annual solo and ensemble festival sponsored by the American String Teachers Association (A.S.T.A). Grades six through twelve participate in the festival on two separate days. One for students in…

Developing A Student Practice Routine
Recently I have been thinking a lot about practicing. These thoughts jump between analyzing my own personal practice habits and the practice habits of my students. I have been thinking about what it means to practice effectively, to make tangible…