The Orchestra Workshop is for students looking to build their skills, learn new music, and keep playing over the summer. The Orchestra Workshop is for students who want to be ready for the fall!
All year long, my students work extremely hard. They make tons of progress! Throughout the year, they develop their playing technique. Their confidence and pride grow after a year of amazing performances. They learn teamwork skills as they perfect music together as a group.
By the end of the year, they are on a roll!
The Orchestra Workshop
- Reinforces concepts learned in school during the year
- Continues to build student confidence and self pride
- Keeps students playing and growing over the summer
- Continues to foster the joy and fun of making music!
At the end of the Orchestra Workshop, students will have further developed their musical skills and character.
They will have something to show for their hard work and will put on a final performance for family and friends.

What Is The Orchestra Workshop?
The Orchestra Workshop will provide students the chance to perform in a classic orchestra ensemble (violin, viola, cello, and bass). Piano is also accepted.
Students will continue to work on musical skills like playing together, listening, and the technical aspects of playing an instrument. They will learn new and exciting music.
We will have a performance on the last day of the camp for family and friends.
Who Can Participate?
The Orchestra Workshop is open to students in grade 6 to 10 who play a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass) or the piano.
What Skills Do I Need?
Students should be confident in reading music, rhythm, and comfortable playing in familiar string keys (C major, G major, D major, and A major).
What Are The Workshop Dates and Location?
The Orchestra Workshop is a two-week camp held Monday thru Thursday, 10 am to 12: 00 pm, for two consecutive weeks. The camp will be held at Bunker Hill Middle school in Washington Township. Students should bring a snack each day.
- Week 1: July 21 - 24
- Week 2: July 28 - July 31
What's the daily schedule?
- 10:00 - 10:25 am - Warm Up (Scales, Rhythms, Chorales)
- 10:30 - 11:45 am - Skills and Orchestra Music
- 12:00 am - Pack up and Pick Up
What's included?
- Daily instruction to refine and sharpen playing skills
- Workshop booklet including sheet music and exercises
- Experience playing in an ensemble
- Final performance for family and friends
- Certificate of completion
What Are The Performance Details?
Students will put on a final performance on the last day of the camp, July 31st at a local venue in Washington Township. The performance time will be determined. It will be open to all families and friends!
What Is The Registration Fee?
The fee to register is $250 for two weeks.
How Do I Register?
This summer workshop is offered in partnership with Washington Township Parks and Recreation.
To register:
- Download, print, and complete the registration form here.
- Mail or drop off the registration form and payment of $250 via cash or check to Washington Township Municipal Building located at 523 Egg Harbor Rd, Sewell, NJ.
*Make checks payable to WTPR.

What Parents And Students Are Saying:
dan quan
PAST Orchestra workshop Parent
"(The) Workshop was a great experience. My son was able to get more in-depth training and new material to work on independently. My son had a great time. Thank you for running the workshop."
spencer cade
"My experience in the Orchestra Workshop was awesome! I like that we got to learn new pieces and try new things. I look forward to doing it again next summer. "
tia cade
"My son was positively impacted because he had the opportunity to play with other students under the instruction of an excellent teacher. He looked forward to going each day. My son learned how to play three new songs in the span of eight days. The workshop reinforced his timing skills. I would say Mr. Przybylowski is a gifted teacher and musician. He motivates students to do their best and the kids sound great!"
Nicole colamarino
"I was very pleased with the skills my son learned during the Orchestra Workshop and impressed with the kids' performance on the last day. My son absolutely loved attending. He was excited each day to share what he learned! Aside from being able to practice his skills and learn harder pieces of music, my son liked the different orchestra games incorporated and had fun being around kids of other ages as well. My son truly enjoyed working with Mr. P. I would highly recommend this program. It provides a great way for students to keep up on their skills during the summer as well as learn new skills and music to keep it interesting."
About Mark:

Mark Przybylowski is an orchestra teacher and double bassist.
I am going on my 15th year in music education where I direct a middle school orchestra program in southern New Jersey (outside of Philadelphia).
I have taught hundreds of students both in public school and private studio lessons. Students have gained entrance into regional honors orchestras, honors jazz ensembles, and university music programs.