The Elementary Orchestra Camp is for beginning students who have one or two years of studying a string instrument and want to practice their skills over the summer!
The Elementary Orchestra Camp will be a 4 day summer enrichment program for beginning string students to help reinforce skills and learn new ones for the fall!
Students will build confidence and pride as they continue to improve their playing skills.

What Is The Elementary Orchestra Camp?
The Elementary Orchestra Camp is a 4 day enrichment program for string students with one to two years of experience playing a string instrument or for students who would like to brush up on their basic skills of playing!
Students will reinforce note reading skills, rhythm, and basic string playing skills.
Who Can Participate?
The Elementary Orchestra Camp is for students starting in grade 4 to grade 5 who play a string instrument such as violin, viola, cello, or bass and want to review basic skills.
When Is The Camp?
The Elementary Orchestra Camp will be held from 10 AM - 12:00 PM, Monday thru Thursday, starting on August 4th - August 7th at Bunker Hill Middle School in Washington Township.
What Is The Fee?
The fee is $175 and will cover all materials provided.
To Register
This summer workshop is being sponsored by the Washington Township Parks and Rec. To register:
- Make checks payable to 'WTPR.'
- Mail or drop off registration form, cash or check, and COVID Disclaimer form to the Washington Township Municipal Building located at 523 Egg Harbor Rd, Sewell, NJ.
- Download the registration form and COVID Disclaimer form here.

What Parents Are Saying:
"(The) Workshop was a great experience. My son was able to get more in-depth training and new material to work on independently. My son had a great time. Thank you for running the workshop."
Dan Quan
"I was very pleased with the skills my son learned during the Orchestra Workshop and impressed with the kids' performance on the last day. My son absolutely loved attending. He was excited each day to share what he learned! Aside from being able to practice his skills and learn harder pieces of music, my son liked the different orchestra games incorporated and had fun being around kids of other ages as well. My son truly enjoyed working with Mr. P. I would highly recommend this program. It provides a great way for students to keep up on their skills during the summer as well as learn new skills and music to keep it interesting."
About Mr. Mark Przybylowski: