Ensemble Novo, 2020, Scenes from the Summer We’re Not Having [Digital]. Philadelphia: Frosty Cordial Records.
Ensemble Novo, 2017, Who Saw You Then, Who Sees You Now [CD]. Philadelphia: Frosty Cordial Records.
Ensemble Novo, 2017, Look to the Sky [CD]. Philadelphia: Frosty Cordial Records.
The People, 2015. The Light Fantastic [Digital]. Philadelphia: Independent.
Ensemble Novo, 2013. Blue Night [CD]. Philadelphia: Frosty Cordial Records.
Mark Przybylowski, 2012. Lonely House [Cassette]. New York: Galtta Media.
Captain Black Big Band, 2011. Captain Black Big Band [CD]. New York: Posi-Tone Records.
* Appears on the track “Inheritance”
ARQ/44, 2010. The Clown Slowly Washes Off His Make up [Digital]. New Jersey: Nacht Records.