Create Online Music Literacy Activities Using PowerPoint Slides
Here is another very simple activity to engage students in the remote setting. This is a follow up to my last post where I discussed creating note identification slides in PowerPoint. Similarly, I have started to create slides with different…

Create Online Note Reading Activities Using Power Point Slides
I was recently inspired by a colleague of mine who was creating interactive Power Point slides to use with her students in the remote teaching setting. The focus was on note value identification. The activity worked like this. Students could…

3 Considerations When Recommending Double Bass Repertoire to Young Bassists
As educators, we know our students best. We know their strengths and weaknesses and we care about their personal and musical growth. Music learning is different for every student and requires us to be tuned into their needs. There have…

The Benefits of a Student Led Chamber Ensemble Experience
Each year in our district we are fortunate to host an annual solo and ensemble festival sponsored by the American String Teachers Association (A.S.T.A). Grades six through twelve participate in the festival on two separate days. One for students in…

Beginning Improvisation for Orchestra
The goal of the National Standards for Music Education, as outlined by NAfME, is to “cultivate a students ability to carry out the three Artistic Processes of creating, performing, and responding.” At the beginning level of the “Creating” standard, students…

Composition in the Orchestra Classroom
I really enjoy incorporating student composition projects into my orchestra classroom for a number of reasons. Composition demonstrates mastery. If a student can create using a concept studied in class, they are demonstrating a higher level of thinking and application…

Assessment Ideas for the Instrumental Classroom
As we discussed in an earlier post, assessment is very helpful and informative and should help to guide our teaching. Assessment of our students can help us as educators determine students strengths and weaknesses and can hopefully lead us to…

Assessment in the Orchestra Classroom
I would venture to say that all teachers assess their students in some way or another. As music educators, I feel as if assessment comes hand in hand with what we do. We teach students a concept, skill, scale, fingering,…